Buying and Selling Land in Sanford NC

If you are interested in selling land in Chatham or Lee county please see my huge and comprehensive page on Chatham County Land Sales. At any given time I am involved with at least 100 real estate transactions and am one of the only accredited land consultants in the area. I also have this page up for Lee County land sales. I live just a few miles from Sanford and am very familiar with the area.

Sanford MLS system

Sanford is in Lee County. Lee county has 2 different MLS systems which makes finding property a little more challenging. One MLS is the triangle MLS and the other is the Fayetteville MLS.

Commercial Property in Sanford NC

There are lots of commercial properties for sale in Lee county. I have several commercial properties listed in Sanford at any time, many of which are listed on commercial websites instead of the MLS such as Loopnet. As of 2016 there are plenty of these properties available. If you are a buyer looking for a good deal on commercial land or buildings a half hour from Raleigh you may want to take a look at Sanford.

Land Sales in Sanford NC

The northeast end of Sanford has grown surprisingly slow. With access to the lake and a 20min shot to Cary, this area of Sanford has grown rather slowly. Surprisingly, most of the land which has been developed has been taking place in the southern end of Sanford.

As of October 16, 2016, most land in Sanford has been selling in the $3000 – $6000 per acre range.

Historic homes for sale in Sanford NC

Beautiful historic homes in Sanford are currently selling for $80 – $100k right now.