For a comprehensive list of neighborhoods and communities in Pittsboro, North Carolina please visit my Pittsboro neighborhoods page. This page also includes a map showing the location of each neighborhood.
The map will show that the closest neighborhood to Northwood High School, which is a great school, is Powell Place. Powell Place is approximately 1 mile from the high school and is South on 15/501.
A little further South is Chatham Forest, which is a nice neighborhood. That one is 2.8mi from the school. Kensington and Sherwood Forest are about the same distance as well.
Potterstone, Willow Springs, Governors’ Commons, and Magnolia Trace are a bit further away, however, they are in close proximity to Horton Middle School and Pittsboro Elementary School.
If you are new to the area another resource that you may want to take a look at is the Pittsboro Relocation Guide.