Which Pittsboro Subdivision is closest to Chapel Hill?

Sometimes people looking to purchase a home in Pittsboro ask me which neighborhood or subdivision is closest to Chapel Hill.

A large number of people residing in Pittsboro work in Chapel Hill as it is an easy commute straight up 15/501.

My answer is: All of them. Almost all neighborhoods in Pittsboro are fairly convenient to Chapel Hill.

Of course, some are closer than others.

Depending on which part of Chapel Hill you are referring to there are 2 neighborhoods “in Pittsboro” which are actually IN Chapel Hill. People around here call them Pittsboro neighborhoods though as they are so close.

These 2 neighborhoods are Legend Oaks and The Preserve.

A picture is work a thousand words though. So, I have a map set up with all of Pittsboro’s neighborhoods in it. If you would like to see a list of all of Pittsboro’s communities on the map so you can quickly see for yourself their location please visit my page on Pittsboro neighborhoods, subdivisions, and communities.