Occasionally buyers who are looking for a piece of land in Pittsboro have a specific feature they are looking for, such as a pond. The good news is, in Pittsboro and many other surrounding areas in Chatham and Alamance County, there is always a home for sale with a pond on the property. I usually have 1 or 2 listings like this myself and if I don’t I know right where they are.
I know the history behind most of the ponds in the area and own a pond myself so feel free to reach out with any questions.
Why have a pond?
Some people want a pond because they simply enjoy life near the water. Maybe it is on their wish list but not a requirement. Maybe they want to fish in it. Some people put in a paddleboat, raise ducks, or they simply like to relax and eat or read beside it, or watch the sun go down and reflect light off of it.
Installing your own pond
There are many types of soil here in Chatham County; as the area’s only accredited land consultant, I know all about them. I put together an article describing Chatham County soil types for you here. Before you dig there are several things to consider; feel free to give me a call to over these if you would like.
Maintaining the pond
When buying a home with a pond it may be a good idea to get it checked out. Most ponds in Pittsboro maintain themselves pretty good but you never know. If you are going to have fish you may want to consider an underwater shelter for them. Sometimes the banks will need maintenance. Ponds are usually low maintenance but you may want to talk to another pond owner before making the big splash.
Here is a property I recently sold with a pond:
You may also like this page if you are looking to buy or sell land in Pittsboro: Chatham County Land Sales.