Perc Sites for New Homes in Chatham County

If you are looking to build a new home in Chatham County feel free to contact me in your search for land or visit my page on Chatham County Land Sales.

Not all land in Chatham County passes a perc test. In fact, on one 5 acre lot there may be multiple areas that perc and others that do not.

Chatham County requires a 5,000 square feet for a 3 bedroom conventional perc site, with an additional 5,000 in case there were a failure, so you basically need 10,000 square feet that passes a perc test in order to build.

An acre contains 43,560 square feet, so a 5 acre lot has 217,800 square feet available.

If a perc site is not directly beside the homeowner’s desired building spot, the septic may be gravity fed or pumped to the area that percs.

In this video, Chatham County land sales expert Eric Andrews explains in detail:

Persons planning to build, alter or expand a structure from which sewage will be discharged must obtain the correct septic system permits. More information about this is available on here. That page also contains a link to a list of certified septic contractors and licensed soil scientists.