Many people moving from New York City to North Carolina end up in Raleigh, Durham or Chapel Hill. After living in the area for a few years, they then relocate to a suburb or to the country.
Country Living
If you want acreage outside of Raleigh or Chapel Hill, most people end up in Apex, Pittsboro, Silk Hope, Siler City or New Hill. Of course, some people end up down near Sanford but the Pittsboro area really is unique as you can still get a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house with a few acres and have a garden and chickens and get it all for $300k or so. If you’re outside of Pittsboro’s city limits and not in a subdivision some people hunt on their own land as well. Some of Pittsboro has decent high speed Internet through Spectrum or Randolph Fiber, and we have many other neat things in town as well and you can be in Cary or Chapel Hill with a 20 minute drive. Just going to the grocery store in North Raleigh may take you 20 minutes.
In this video, Eric Andrews talks about the surge in calls he has been receiving from out of state buyers. COVID-19 has people moving to the country.
Outside of Raleigh, many people live in Garner, Fuquay, Cary or RAPIDLY growing Holly Springs.
Some people joke and call Cary the Central Area for Relocating Yankees (C.A.R.Y.)
Cary is a really great town with every amenity imaginable, neatly manicured streets. The entire area is very clean and workers are sweeping streets during the week.
Moving in from New York City?
Finding a home with acreage presents a unique challenge for people in New York. Homes here have been extremely hot for quite some time. May agents list homes on Friday, collect bids over the weekend and the homes are under contract Monday morning. Some buyers have been using virtual tours or even buying property sight unseen.
Eric is from New York and his brother just moved down in April 2020. If you’re looking for an agent who understands relocating to the area you should call Eric Andrews’ office. We have a full staff here ready to assist.