** See the updated 2015 list here!
Pittsboro is the spookiest place to be in Chatham County, North Carolina. Here is the scoop on events in 2014, and we hope we haven’t missed any.
Trick or Treating at Communities in Pittsboro NC: By far the most popular place for kids go trick or treating in Pittsboro NC is at Chatham Forest. There is little traffic and the Chatham County Sheriff’s Department has a very large presence there. Other communities include Powell Place & Potterstone Village.
Pumpkins on Bynum Bridge. October 31, 2014 6PM – Midnight. The old bridge in Bynum NC has hundreds of pumpkins on it providing one of the coolest experiences in the area. There is trick or treating, a haunted house, and sometimes “light dancers” that appear on the bridge to put on an awesome show. Someone made this fantastic Google Map of the events and parking areas at Bynum. Bynum is just north of Pittsboro.
Pumpkinfest at Fearrington Village: October 30, 2014 6 – 8PM. Fearrington’s gardeners and chefs will put their creative skills to work on over 50 beautiful, silly, and sometimes even spooky jack o’ lanterns. Fearrington Village is just north of Pittsboro. More Information.
Huckleberry Trail Farm Corn Maze: Located on Pleasant Hill Church Road, Pittsboro NC, this farm has a hay ride that goes through a pumpkin patch and also a corn maze. More information.
New Hope Valley Haunted Train Ride: The triangle’s only haunted train is not far from Pittsboro NC. It is called the track or treat express! Please visit their website for more information.
Halloween Story Time at the Chatham County Library: October 30, 2014 6PM – 6:30PM. A great place to hear a spooky tale here in Pittsboro. More information.
Twilight Tours at Carolina Tiger Rescue: October 31, 2014. More information.
Please remember safety first during this holiday season and I hope that your Halloween in Pittsboro (or wherever you are located) is a great one.