When you purchase a home be it used or new it is always in your best interest to have a buyer’s agent. Here are just a few of the reasons:
- They cost you nothing! Buyer representation is completely free.
- They save you money! Who doesn’t like free money? Chances are you can indeed close on a new construction without an agent representing you, however, they are going to save you or make you money somehow.
- They do this every day and know which questions to ask.
- If they are local, they are already very familiar with the builder. Even if they can’t negotiate the price, they’re going to get incentives such as a deal on closing costs or other upgrades. On a recent new construction I was able to get a buyer a free deck, a $5,000 value.
- The seller’s agent is not required to tell you anything that is not in the seller’s best interest.
- In some markets, it is actually a violation for the seller’s agent to offer you a deal.
There are literally a thousand reasons of why you should use an agent to represent you, and none not to.