A question we were once asked is can you have a pumpkin farm in Chatham County NC?
The answer is yes! But, watch this video below. It explains that we once researched a 26 acre site south of Siler City.
North Carolina State University tested the soil for us. NCSU was able to determine that the soil on this tract was conducive for growing pumpkins. It did need a little help, such as a little lime.
An interesting fact about North Carolina is that pumpkins are usually in their prime here in September! October would be more convenient for Halloween.
One of the largest pumpkin farms in North Carolina is right here in Chatham County, in Bear Creek. For over two decades this farm has had the annual pumpkin festival. It takes place at the end of September. This is at Hart’s Pumpkin Farm on Meronies Church Road.
If you are looking to purchase or sell land in the area for pumpkin farming or anything else be sure to visit my page on Chatham County Land Sales.