Eric Andrews listed this property in July 2019 and it was under contract about 30 days later. The land was sold in 2019.
This was MLS # 2268945.
Original MLS description:
Ideal land for small subdivision or homes with acreage. Corner property with frontage on Jack Bennett Road and Henley Road. No perc done because it is a large acreage tract but numerous conventional systems nearby and adjoining subject. (Two Chatham County parcels #75809 and #18636.) Property is relatively level with numerous rock formations and plenty of road frontage. Mature hardwoods.
The average time it takes to sell larger acreage properties is around 2 years but this land sold very fast at nearly $20,000/acre. This land is on Jack Bennett Road just north of Fearrington, giving it a Chapel Hill address (zip code 27517).