Looking for a Real Estate Broker in Pittsboro NC?
If you are looking to buy or sell a home in Pittsboro North Carolina you have come to the right place.
If you need assistance buying or selling a home, contact me today. At the time of this article we have over 100 properties listed and I can assist you in finding just the right home or selling yours for as much as possible as quickly as possible.
Real Estate Broker vs Agent
Real Estate Brokers are licensed by the state of North Carolina (or their state) to act as an intermediarybetween people buying and selling property. The own companies which broker and handle real estate transactions between a buy and a seller. Brokers are required to supervise real estate agents.
Real estate agents are also licensed b their state. They are usually the most visible representative of a broker’s business. Agents can not legally broker real estate. A real estate agent works under their supervising broker’s license. Agents must have a broker to work in real estate.
Pittsboro NC Real Estate Broker
My office is located right in the center of Pittsboro at 73 Hillsboro Street, Pitsboro NC 27312. Your will not find another broker this close to the center of Pittsboro.
Moving to Pittsboro
If you are moving to Pittsboro please feel free to visit my Pittsboro relocation guide or guide to Pittsboro’s neighborhoods.