If you are interested in buying or selling land in Harnett County North Carolina please feel free to contact me today. I can help you get the most for your land as quickly as possible. I have experience selling land in Dunn, Angier, Coats, Erwin and Lillington.
Selling Large Acre Tracts of Land in Harnett County
Compared to the real estate markets in other counties with bigger cities, such as Wake or Durham counties, there are far more large acre land sales that take place in Harnett County.
That’s not to say that Harnett County isn’t developed, or some barren waste land. Quite the contrary, Harnett County is home to Campbell University, one of the best Law Schools in North Carolina. Fort Brag military base is also very close by. There simply isn’t the densely packed urban element that is more commonly found around Raleigh, Durham, or Chapel Hill.
Historically, many of the large acre land sales that took place in Harnett county were tobacco farms. After all, tobacco was one of North Carolina’s best exports for many, many years. But in recent decades that industry has scaled back a bit, and those types of land transactions are far less common.
More recently, just a few years ago, in fact, we were involved in one of the largest land sales in Harnett county in the 21st century. A geneticist from California was interested in purchasing several hundred acres of land in order to start a pecan farm. Few people realize that, with just a little bit of chemical tweaking to the natural soil, pecans can grow exceptionally well in North Carolina’s temperate climate.
There are many new specialty farms popping up in that area for just that reason. The weather is mild enough for a wide range of crops, there is plenty of land available, and it can be easily zoned in order to allow for agricultural use. Anyone looking to start any type of farm in this area, large or small, would do well to consider Harnett County.